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Life Sciences

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Who we are

Life sciences industries have become a matter of great importance all over the world, and they now play a vital role in people’s life. All hospitals, clinics, treatment centers, pharmaceutical companies and centers for clinical studies need many linguistic services on regular basis in order to provide better understanding for patients, doctors, scientists and care givers in their own languages & dialects. Accordingly, translation of life sciences provides great values to the humanity via translating medical reports, manuals for medical devices, scan reports, scientific papers, experimental drugs, medicine pamphlets and more.

Scientist on Tablet

Jargon team decided to be at the frontline with doctors, researchers, caregivers and scientists to raise people awareness & combat different scientific challenges all over the world. Therefore, we have made our brilliant decision to launch our new brand of life sciences. Many language service providers offer translation for life sciences, yet Jargon, as usual, is keen on adding a new value to our valuable clients. Let’s spend an enjoyable time on our website to know more about Jargon Life Sciences’ unique process, recruitment system, pricing and world-class linguistic services for life sciences.

Test Tubes

How it works

Jargon Life Sciences’ team has been eager to engage a wide pool of talented doctors, professional pharmacists and world-class biologists who have also studied language, literature, linguistics, translation…etc. to let languages embrace sciences in one place. Following our concept of specialization that Jargon Life Sciences has adopted from the very beginning, we created also a new innovative chain of linguistic phases to complete our projects following a professional methodology. Our methodology is based on applying four phases on our texts to ensure good quality, this includes the following:

Translation Phase


A doctor, a chemist, a biologist usually completes the translation phase for any life sciences projects, who studied also language arts, translation, linguistics and grammar to make sure that scientific theories, studies, medical devices etc. are professionally translated. Our translators are usually selected after passing very accurate tests that make us sure how talented they are in both science & language. Our talented recruitment team has been able to engage a world-class pool of doctors, scientists, medical content creators, chemists, biologists and researchers who also graduated in faculties of language to meet our vision of being “a scientist with taste of linguist”.

Bilingual Revision Phase

Image by Charles Deluvio

This phase is often run by an expert senior bilingual reviewer whose academic background, certifications, skills and experiences qualify him or her to spot scientific as well as grammatical, structural, inconsistency errors among others with the purpose of providing a correct text on both scientific as well as linguistic levels. Candidates for this position complete challenging tests before taking part in any project to make sure that they are qualified to re-check translators’ choices for certain terms, expressions and references. They also use their search tools, quality control checkers and scientific knowledge to prepare the text for mono-lingual proofreading.

Mono-lingual Proofreading

Laptop and Notebook

Any scientific text is always checked by a qualified proofreader with long experience in life sciences industries. Talent acquisition team at Jargon Life Sciences exerts great efforts at this point to engage proofreaders who have already completed tens of medical, biological, chemical procedures among others to be fully aware of scientific language and concepts. Candidates for monolingual proofreader positions always complete a test to make sure that texts have no errors and delivered with the best quality.

Subject Matter Expert Review (SME)

Doctor Using Digital Tablet

All of above phases are usually run by most of language service provides who offer translation for life sciences industries. Is there something new that we add here? Yes, after running the three phases on full TEP projects, one of our SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) runs the last phase of reading the text, after discussing every doubtful point with bilingual reviewer to make sure that final text is perfectly created. We are keen on selecting world-class subject matter experts who have been proven to create brilliant scientific articles and content, as well as scientific writers to give a deeper look into our scientific output.

Jargon Life Sciences Offer

  • Translation Service for Different Types of Life Sciences Industries. 

  • Medical Content Creation with Help of Talented Specialized Content Creators.

  • Bilingual Revision for Different Types of Life Sciences Industries.

  • Mono-lingual Proofreaders with Help of Professional Proofreading of Target Languages.

  • Website Localization for Medical Devices, Products, Cosmetics, Scientific Studies, Publications and more.

  • Language Sign-off (LSO) to Check Format, Numbers, Quantities, Scientific Names, Dates, Dosages as well as Language Errors.

  • Screen Review.

  • Back Translation (as a procedure whereby a translator (or team of translators) re-translates a document that was previously translated into another language, back to the original language to check the quality of translations).

  • Cognitive Debriefing (as a linguistic procedure that is carried out to test the understanding level of a translation by the target audience, and/or to test alternative translations. It also determines if translations would be considered as inappropriate or confusing by the target population.)

  • Desktop Publishing (DTP).

  • Voice-Over, subtitling and Dubbing.

Jargon Life Sciences

Provide Language Services for

  • Medical Products & Cosmetics

  • Medical Devices & Therapies

  • Pharmacology & Pharmacy

  • Clinical Studies, Scientific Publications and Journals

  • Scientific Websites & Campaigns for New Products

  • Medical Reports for Hospitals, Clinics & Treatment Centers

  • Consent Forms for Patients & Families

  • Patents for Scientific innovations & Discoveries

  • Research Papers for Biology, Physics and Chemistry Fields

  • Space Sector

  • Ecology, Evolution & Environment

  • Genetics & Heredity

  • Biochemistry, Biology and Biotechnology Fields

  • Immunology



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1135 Zahraa Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

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