What Does the Proofreading Process Mean?

Proofreading is defined as a careful check for errors in texts as a very last stage of translation process.
During this stage, the proofreader fixes minor spelling and punctuation mistakes, typos, formatting issues and inconsistencies.
Proofreading is a vital process for any text that will be shared with audiences, whether it is a scientific paper, technical user manual, game screen prompt, online course or a print brochure.

What Are The Proofreading Tips & Tricks?
Spelling checkers are useful but closer look and scrutiny always win.
Focus on each kind of errors has always a fruitful output.
Grammar checkers can be helpful but applying specific grammatical rules is always better.
Slow and repeated reading helps the proofreader to correct the texts in a better way.
Separating the paragraphs and sentences into small units is usually a perfect technique to refine the text.

How Does The Proofreading Process go at Jargon?
After completing the first two steps of translation and bilingual revision, the proofreading process is run by a dedicated, professional proofreader who has academically studied the target language grammar, linguistics, structure and literature.
The proofreaders always get in touch with the translator and the bilingual reviewer to have better understanding of the translation and reasons of using certain terms, structures and expressions.
Jargon’s proofreaders use their knowledge, linguistic tools, spelling and grammatical checkers to create almost error-free texts.
Our proofreaders are strictly selected to deliver a final, professional output to our valuable clients.